Activity Online Booker

New Customer Registration

New customer registration

First name: *
Last name: *
Telephone :
Country: *
Email: *
Confirm email: *
Marketing consent:

LFC Foundation would like to keep you updated with the latest news and information about the work that we do. Please indicate how you would like us to keep in touch:


Photography Permissions:

The Foundation produces a wide range of materials, including images, to promote its mission, generate vital funds, and launch awareness campaigns. This section allows you to give consent to the use of your likeness, the likeness of your child, or someone you care for in images the Foundation may take or use.

The Foundation may wish to use images (film or digital photographs and/or moving pictures) taken during the Activity to:

  • Celebrate the achievements of the participants;
  • Raise awareness of the Foundation's programmes, partnerships, and in PR publications; and
  • Support the Foundation's marketing and fundraising promotions.

When using images of participants under the age of 18, the Foundation shall:

  • Not include unnecessary personal information;
  • Ensure the focus remains on the Activity
  • Ensure all participants are appropriately dressed; and
  • Ensure fair representation of all those involved.

All Foundation photographers have DBS checks and safeguarding training.

Do you consent to The Foundation taking and/or publishing still and moving images of yourself, your child, or the young person in your care in its marketing and PR activities (social media, website, literature and print, etc)?


Data Protection

For data protection purposes The Foundation is the controller of (and responsible for) the personal information and will use your personal information for (i) the purpose of delivering and administering the Activity; and (ii) promotional and educational purposes in relation to the use of images. You are entitled to receive a copy of personal information held by the Foundation on request. All personal data collected as part of completion of this registration form shall be processed in accordance with the Foundation's Privacy Notice, which may be viewed at

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